The Himachal Pradesh government has proposed Rs 9,989.49 for the annual estimated budget plans for the year 2024-25, Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said here on Monday while presiding over the first session of MLA Priority meeting with the MLAs of three districts, Una, Hamirpur and Sirmaur.
The chief minister said the state government was working with a motto to make Himachal self-reliant in the next four years and most prosperous state in the country in ten years.
He exhorted the MLAs to come up with the priorities that were in line with the state government’s commitment to provide clean, transparent and accountable administration to the people of the state.
Sukhu said discussion during these meetings would pave the way to further accelerate the development process.
“The government is committed for equitable development of all the areas and every section of the society. In order to achieve this, the government has adopted the manifesto of the Congress party as a Policy Document. All the ministers, MLAs and departments were working tirelessly for the effective implementation of the Policy Document,” said the chief minister.
MLA priorities in general were financed through the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund under NABARD, said Sukhu, adding that for the year 2023-24, an amount of Rs. 918.81 crore was sanctioned by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), besides 62 works of Public Works Department and 93 works of Jal Shakti Department have been sanctioned.
He also directed the officials of the Public Works and Jal Shakti Departments to fully utilize NABARD’s budget outlay for the year 2024-25 and submit reimbursement claims in the NABARD office before March 15, 2024.
The chief minister directed the administrative secretaries, heads of the departments not to show any laxity in resolving the problems, complaints raised by the MLAs and to give due priority to their valuable suggestions.
He further directed the officials to ensure timely clearance of formalities regarding the FCA, the FRA cases and the Gift Deed in order to avoid or reduce any delay in preparation of the detailed project reports of the schemes given by the MLAs.
He also directed the concerned departments and the deputy commissioner to review the works on MLA priorities every month, the report of which would be sent to the government.
The state government was working sincerely for the welfare of all sections of the society including women, youth, farmers and employees, said Sukhu, adding that the present government was ensuring that its policies and programs benefit the last person in the queue.