Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Monday appealed to people of the state to stay home for the next 24 hours amid the possibility of heavy rains in the state during the period.
“I urge people to unitedly face the difficulty and stay in their homes for the next 24 hours as there is possibility of heavy rains,” the Chief Minister said in a video posted on his Twitter handle. He announced three helpline numbers – 1100, 1070 and 1077 – for help of people who are in difficulty and need assistance.
The Chief Minister said he is available round-the-clock in the service of people and they can also reach him over the phone
He urged MLAs to stay in their constituencies to assist people in case of any difficulty and help them in compensation of any losses.
The Chief Minister said that the government is making all efforts to help people who are stuck due to heavy rains.
Sukhu said 14 people have lost their lives due to heavy rains in the state.
Indian Meteorological Department on Sunday issued a red alert for Himachal Pradesh for heavy rains during the day.
The Weather Department also said that the rainfall can cause flooding and landslide.
Sukhu had said on Sunday said that all schools and colleges would remain closed on July 10 and 11.
IMD on Saturday issued a red alert for seven districts of the state and an orange alert for three districts for the next 48 hours as the state continued to receive heavy rainfall.
On Sunday, six people were stranded in the Nagwain village of Mandi due to the rise in the water level of the Beas river.
The Panchvaktra bridge in Mandi collapsed due to heavy rains. Parts of north India witnessed loss of life and property, and disruption in transport and power due to recurrent showers.