Haryana Forest and Environment Minister Kanwar Pal on Monday said the state government was committed to protect and conserve trees aged more than 75 years having immense ecological and environmental value.
He said the Haryana government has launched “The Haryana Pran Vaayu Devta Pension Scheme” which will remain in effect for five years.
Kanwar Pal said for the maintenance of Pran Vaayu Devta Tree, the state government will award an annual pension of Rs 2,500 will be paid to the custodian of such a tree. The pension for a tree will increase every year at rates pro-rata to the increase in the Old Age Samman Pension Scheme for people in the state.
The minister said trees aged more than 75 years will only be eligible under this scheme, fallen, hollow, dead, dry and diseased trees will not be eligible.
He said the grove of trees originating from one seedling as in Ficus Bengalensis will be considered to be one tree. Maximum number of trees covered under the scheme will not be more than four thousand till the next review after five years and trees standing on forest lands will not be covered under this scheme, he added.
Kanwar Pal said the Pran Vaayu Devta Tree Conservation Committee will identify, map and make inventory through a systematic census. He said the Divisional Forest Officer will be the chairman of the committee.
This committee shall regularly monitor the health of Pran Vaayu Devta Tree after every six months, he added.