Delhi Water Minister Atishi on Saturday said that in case the flow of water in the Munak Canal does not increase till Sunday morning, then it may have an impact on all seven water treatment plants of the city, and water supply is likely to get affected across the city.
Atishi, addressing a press conference here appealed to the Haryana government to release the city’s share of water, saying that after a further drop of water level in the Wazirabad barrage reservoir witnessed on Friday, there has been reduction measured in the total supply of water.
There was a reduction of 7 MGD in water production, due to the drop in the level of water at Wazirabad, said Atishi, and added that production can further get affected if there is less supply in Munak Canal as well.
The minister claimed that amidst the scorching heat in Delhi, the Haryana government is releasing less water for the city’s portion of the Munak Canal after Wazirabad.
On Saturday morning Atishi paid a visit to the two sub-canals of the Munak Canal in Bawana.
During inspection, she claimed to have found that Haryana has been continuously sending small quantities of water here for the last 7 days.
Normally, the neighbouring state releases 1050 cusecs of water for Delhi on a daily basis, but now the quantity has reduced to 840 cusecs, the minister claimed.
The minister informed that as per the agreement between Delhi and Haryana, it is supposed to release 1050 cusecs on a daily basis, and based on the data of previous.
five years, during the summers, due to the heat, 1040 – 990 cusecs of water reaches Delhi, which is measured through a flow meter at the Bawana contact point in Delhi.
She further said that for the last one week, there has been a heat wave in Delhi, and there is a shortage of water, for which the Supreme Court is also making efforts to get additional water for Delhi.
She further alleged that despite all of this, Haryana is releasing less quantity of water, and during the last one week, water being sent from Munak Canal to the two sub-canals is less than 900 cusecs.
Atishi further shared the numbers regarding the water flow, and said that on June 2, 848 cusecs of water reached the canal, June 3- 898 cusecs, June 4- 850 cusecs, and then
856 cusecs and on June 7, only 840 cusecs of water reached Delhi through the canals.
Meanwhile, the minister had earlier alleged that Haryana was releasing less water than Delhi’s share in the Yamuna, which led to a drop in the level of the Wazirabad barrage reservoir.