Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, launched the election campaign for poll bound Haryana by addressing the ‘Vijay Sankalp’ rally at Rohtak. He presented his government’s 100 days report card and also praised the Manohar Lal Khattar-led government in the state for fighting corruption and nepotism. BJP won all the ten seats in the state in the Lok Sabha Elections 2019.
PM on his government’s performance and decisions taken in the first 100 days, said, “Whatever big decisions were taken, it is in your favour… triple talaq, health sector laws, and many steps are being taken to strengthen the economy… be it Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh or the water problem, people have started looking for solutions”.
Praising Chief Minister Manohar lal Khattar, Modi said that the families in Haryana have become ‘manohar’ (charming) today, a reference made to the Chief Minister’s name.
“In the last five years, the game of corruption on the land of farmers in Haryana has also stopped. On the basis of such an excellent track record of five years, the whole of Haryana has stood in favour of the BJP (Bhartiya Janata Party) today.”
He further said, “The state has been declared ODF and kerosene free and is contributing significantly to the country’s growth.”
Ahead of the rally, the PM inaugurated and laid foundation stones of developmental projects worth Rs 2,000 crore.
Modi also promised to double the income of the farmers by 2022 in his address. He said several measures have been taken by the state in the interest of the farmers and the poor.
BJP’s state election-in-charge and Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and other leaders from the state attended the rally.
The rally was completely plastic-free and eco-friendly. In this rally, drinking water was served in 4000 mud pots covered with cloth to keep water cold rather than plastic bottles or pouches. The administration had appealed to the public not to use the plastic mineral water bottles at the rally venue.
The Haryana Legislative Assembly elections are due to be held in Haryana in October 2019.