The Haryana government, on Wednesday, constituted the Haryana Backward Classes Commission afresh to study the present social, educational and economic conditions of the backward classes in the state,
The commission, headed by Justice (retired) Darshan Singh, comprises four members, including Mr. SK Gakhar former Vice-Chancellor, Indira Gandhi University, Rewari.
The commission will study the representation and participation of the backward classes in the government and benefits and schemes of the government, assess the benefits provided to the students from backward classes in educational institutions and estimate the employment opportunities available to youth from the backward classes and to recommend measures for enhancement of employment opportunities.
It would also evaluate the current activities for skill development and training aimed at youth from the backward classes, study and recommend the proportion of reservation for backward classes required to be provisioned in Panchayati Raj Institutions and Municipalities in the state. The Commission would also study and recommend measures for the social, educational and economic welfare of the backward classes.