Haryana has bagged the first position in the country in terms of successful implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana ‘Ayushman Bharat’ and making timely payment to the hospitals for the treatment of poor and needy patients.
For this, the Central government has appreciated the state government and the National Health Authority has sent a letter of appreciation to the Haryana government for outstanding performing on three main points of Ayushman Yojana, health minister Anil Vij said.
In order to benefit more and more people under this scheme, 25 patients per one lakh population in the state have been admitted to the hospital, which is said to be advancing towards achieving the desired goal of the Central government. The Central government has set a target to benefit 38 persons per one lakh population from this facility.
Vij said that Haryana has been at the first place in the country in promptly releasing the mediclaims of patients. Under this scheme, only four per cent of the payment of the bills of the patients treated in the state and outside state hospitals is remaining, which presents an excellent example in front of the country and other states.
For this, the Central government has advised other states to follow Haryana. Apart from this, there has been a steady increase in the number of patients admitted to the hospitals under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, which was maximum 1,955 patients admitted to various hospitals during the weekend of 17 June.
The health minister said that annual treatment facility of Rs Five Lakh is given to beneficiary families of Ayushman Bharat Scheme. For this, the Health Department has made e-cards of about 12.57 lakh beneficiaries.
He said that 31,226 poor and needy patients have so far availed the benefits of Ayushman scheme, for whom the government has released a sum of Rs 38.86 crore. For this, 431 hospitals in the state have been taken on the panel, including 155 government and 276 private sector hospitals.
Deputy chief executive officer, State Health Authority, Ravi Vimal said nearly 300 patients come to the hospitals every day under the Ayushman scheme. He said that Haryana patients are given 15 days for the payment of hospitals in the state and 30 days for the payment other state hospitals, which is paid in the prescribed time.