Five victims of cyber frauds in Haryana saved Rs 6 lakh by dialling the toll-free helpline number ‘1930’ to report the financial fraud committed with them via cyber means. Haryana Police cyber team managed to save Rs 6 lakh of these five cybercrime victims who were cheated by fraudsters using various means in the last two days.
A spokesperson of the Haryana Police on Monday said that the cyber team had received a complaint on 1930 from a resident of Panchkula, who stated that he had been duped of Rs 6 lakh by cyber thugs in the name of saving his nephew who studies abroad.
In his complaint, he informed that he got a call that his nephew’s citizenship had been confirmed and he celebrated it with his friends. During this, there was a fight due to which the police took him into custody.
The caller asked him to give money so that he can be saved. Coming to the words of the thugs, the complainant deposited Rs 6 lakh in installments of Rs 50,000 each into the given account.
Later on, it was found that the account belongs to a bank in Uttar Pradesh. Realising the fraud, he lodged a complaint on ‘1930.’ The cyber team immediately freezed the transaction of Rs 1.5 lakh.
In another case, a Gurugram resident invested money after seeing an advertisement offering to double his money on Instagram. As soon as the complainant realized the fraud, he immediately filed a complaint on 1930. Taking prompt action, the payment of Rs 85000 was put on hold and later on refunded into the complainant’s bank account.
In another case, a resident of Gurugram was lured by a package in the name of Hotel Taj, in which about Rs 1.5 lakh was cheated. In this case, the cyber team immediately froze the bank account and deposited the money back into the complainant account. In a similar case, the cyber team saved Rs one lakh from Jai Kumar.
In addition, when a resident of Kurukshetra was duped of Rs one lakh by becoming the school teacher of his son, the cyber team freezed the transaction after receiving the complaint, said the spokesperson.
The state crime branch has saved about Rs 11 crore in such cyber frauds. Cyber criminals are inventing new ways to cheat the people. In case of cybercrime, immediately register your complaint on 1930 so that the criminal’s account can be freezed and hard-earned money of the victim can be saved. Never share your OTP with anyone, the spokesperson said.