Seasoned diplomat Harsh Vardhan Shringla took charge as the new foreign secretary on Wednesday, succeeding Vijay Gokhale. Speaking to reporters ahead of taking the charge, he said all efforts should be dedicated to contributing towards the nation in the form of its security, prosperity through external engagements.
“I am as committed to the ministry’s role in nation-building as I was 36 years ago when I entered these portals as a young professional. I look forward to working under the guidance of the Prime Minister and the External Affairs Minister,” he said.
Shringla, the former ambassador to the US is succeeded by career service diplomat Taranjit Singh Sandhu. A 1988-batch Indian Foreign Service Official, Sandhu has had two successful stints at the Indian Embassy in Washington DC, the last one being the Deputy Ambassador from July 2013 to January 2017. Sandhu, who is currently India’s High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, is expected to take up the new assignment shortly.