In Gurgaon, a 16-year-old boy allegedly raped her cousin by tying her to bed in Sector 51 area, police said on Saturday.
Though, the incident happened on Thursday but it was reported to the police on Friday after the girl told about her ordeal to her teacher as she fainted in school.
The 15-year-old girl’s mother has filed a complaint at the Woman’s Police Station against the son of her sister-in-law, a Gurgaon police official said.
The woman had sent her daughter to her sister-in-law’s home to help her with daily chores as she was not keeping well.
When the boy’s mother went to doctor leaving behind her son and niece, the boy groped his sister, tied her hand and legs to the bed and raped her, the official said.
The boy has been arrested and a case has been filed, he said.
Further investigations are underway, said police.