Rain water released from Himachal dams flood Punjab villages
Even as the Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) decided to release excess water released from dams in neighbopuring Himachal Pradesh…
Caption : Punjab’s additional director general of police (ADGP), prisons, Rohit Choudhary,giving TVs to inmates on Sunday for having done good job during disturbance in Central Jail Gurdaspur (PHOTO: SNS)
Two days after inmates of Gurdaspur Central Jail went on rampage and some of them unsuccessfully tried to escape
by breaking a jail wall, the jail authorities have decided to reward majority of inmates who exhibited good behavior during the incident.
The superintendent, Gurdaspur Central jail, Dilbagh Singh said as only about 150 of total 900 inmates were involved in the rioting incident on 24 March, as a goodwill gesture Jail authorities announced several measures for the majority of inmates who exhibited good behavior during the incident.
He said inmates of four barracks set an exemplary behavior by sheltering four prison staff members who were stuck up during the disturbance inside the jail and saved them for any physical harm at the hands of the rowdy group, they were awarded four TV sets for their barracks.
More than 25 prisoners who requested their transfer to other prisons for personal reasons were sent to prisons of their convenience or hometown, Singh said.
Bakery unit is approved for establishment for inmates keen on doing factory work.
Computer classes, English classes, Yoga, music and meditation classes are to start next week in the barrack where this disturbance took place as it is now decided to convert that area into activity center, he added.
More than 44 cases of leave were approved for sanction and inmates were encouraged to enroll for IGNOU Courses in the special enrollment drive on Sunday and about 31 inmates expressed their willingness to enlist for courses.
As a special measure, for this whole week inmates are being provided facility to meet their relatives and special arrangements are made for this.
Meanwhile, the working at Gurdaspur Jail returned to normal and prisoners started their daily routine in usual manner. The doctors team made special rounds of all the barracks and not a single case of even minor injury was reported by any inmate. Several meeting were held with inmates of all barracks and a peace committee was also
constituted with inmates from each barrack and they pledged to prevent any other inmates from indulging in disturbance in prison, the jail superintendent said.