As shocking incident at Modasa in north Gujarat has emerged where a 19-year-old Dalit woman was abducted, gangraped and murdered before being hanged from a tree to appear like a suicide case, the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) has issued a notice to District collector and district superintendent of police of Aravalli over the case.
The woman went missing on December 31 and her body was found hanging by a banyan tree.
The deceased woman’s family alleged that the police refused to register an FIR when they had first approached on January 1 and had accused Bimal Bharvad, Darshan Bharvad, Satish Bharvad, and Jigar of committing the crime.
Hundreds of Dalits from her village came out to protest at the Ahmedabad civil hospital demanding for the arrest of the accused and suspension of the police officer on duty, mounting pressure on the administration. On Tuesday, an FIR was registered by the police against the accused.
Only after the FIR was filed under various provisions of the Indian Penal Code and the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act against the accused, the family agreed to claim the body of the victim.
“We have lodged the FIR on the basis of complaint given by the family of the deceased. Our investigation is under way,” The Hindu quoted Gandhinagar range Inspector-General Mayanksinh Chavda as saying.
The kins of the deceased performed her final rites on Thursday.
According to News18, Dalit rights activist Kantilal Parmar reportedly told them that when the deceased woman’s family had gone to the police on January 3 to file a missing complaint, the police refused and told them the girl had eloped with a boy from the same community.