In a major embarrassment to the ruling BJP ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the son of its Gujarat unit president has been caught red-handed while copying during his university examination.
Meet Vaghani, son of Gujarat BJP president Jitu Vaghani, was caught with as many as 27 chits while he was appearing in his BCA examination at a college of Bhavnagar University on Thursday.
Vaghani senior, the state BJP president, is also a second term legislator from Bhavnagar.
Though the Bhavnagar University vice-chancellor, a recently appointed BJP worker, initially tried to hush up the case, the professor who had caught Vaghani submitted all the names along with the proofs of copying.
As the news spread like wildfire through the social media channels, state BJP president Jitubhai Vaghani made a statement saying that if his son has indeed been found copying then he must face the consequences as per the law.
He, however, added that people should appreciate that despite being a senior BJP leader he did not try to protect his son, unlike the Congress leaders who did so in the past.
It is not yet known whether the BJP and ABVP activists have fanned out to search any link of the “erring” professor with Leftists, Maoists, “JNU types” or what they call as “award wapsi gang.”