Senior AAP leader Atishi on Monday said that due to the opposition by Delhi and Punjab governments in the 54th GST Council meeting regarding the tax on research grants, the same will now be exempted from the GST.
The Delhi Finance Minister has called the decision a crucial step towards the national development.
Atishi wrote on X: “The Aam Aadmi Party has continuously opposed GST on research grants. Today, in the GST Council meeting, the Delhi and Punjab governments raised the issue that GST should not be levied on research grants received by educational institutions – whether it is a government grant or a private one. I am happy that today the GST Council has decided not to impose GST on research grants. This is a big step for the development of the country.”
“Taxing research grants of educational institutions is akin to tax terrorism. And we are happy that the central government and the rest of the state governments agreed on this issue,” said the Delhi Minister.
“This is a big decision for our educational institutions which contribute to the development of the country through research,” she added.
Speaking on exemption on health and life insurance after the meeting, while talking to reporters, she said that some opposition states have raised the issue that the currently charged 18 per cent premium on health insurance is high, and added that there was a consensus in the GST Council that there should be a reduction of GST on this.
Atishi informed that now this issue has been sent to GoM, which will examine the entire issue.