Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday said the nation’s crucial borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh are going to be fully secured in the coming two years as the work is on to plug the gaps in the remaining 60 km unfenced stretch along these two sections.
He said that only 60 km of border with these two nations remained unfenced, and the work for the fencing will be completed in two years, making the borders completely secure, the home minister said.
Talking of the fencing work at the Indo- Bangladesh and Indo- Pakistan border, the home minister informed that to ensure the security of the nation’s boundaries, during the past nine years the Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government has already plugged sensitive gaps, fencing 560 km on this front.
Mr Shah was addressing the Border Security Force(BSF) officials and personnel and their families after taking salute from a ceremonial parade of the border guarding force on the occasion of its 59th Raising Day celebrations at Hazaribagh, Jharkhand.
Further praising the BSF for its courage, valor and sacrifices made by the force personnel in protecting the country’s borders, he said that it was not the fences alone, but, the jawans of the border guarding force and their determination against any illegal activities at that protect the naiton’s borders.
Shah also spoke of several infrastructure developments at the borders that include making of better road , rail and communication connectivity.
He said that flood lights have been installed across 1100 km, while 542 new Border Out Posts(BOP) and 510 Observation Post Towers(OPT) have been erected, and more than 637 outposts have been given electricity connections, the home minister informed.