

Govt approves revised Rashtriya Gokul Mission to boost growth in livestock sector

The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the Revised Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM) to boost growth in the livestock sector. Implementation…

Govt approves revised Rashtriya Gokul Mission to boost growth in livestock sector

Photo: IANS

The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the Revised Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM) to boost growth in the livestock sector.

Implementation of revised RGM as Central Sector component of Development Programmes scheme, is being done with an additional outlay of Rs 1000 crore that is total outlay of Rs 3400 crore during 15th Finance Commission cycle from 2021-22 to 2025-26.


Two new activities added are: (i) One-time assistance of 35 per cent of the capital cost for establishment of Heifer Rearing Centres to Implementing Agencies for creation of 30 housing facilities having total 15000 heifers and (ii) To encourage farmers to purchase High genetic merit (HGM) IVF heifers to provide 3 per cent interest subvention on loan taken by the farmer from milk unions / financial institutions/ banks for such purchase. This will help in systemic induction of high yielding breeds.


The revised Rashtriya Gokul Mission is approved with an allocation of Rs 3400 crore during 15th Finance Commission cycle (2021-22 to 2025-26).

“The scheme is for continuation of ongoing activities of Rashtriya Gokul Mission- strengthening of semen stations, Artificial Insemination network, implementation of bull production programme, accelerated breed improvement programme using sex sorted semen, skill development, farmer awareness, support for innovative activities including establishment of Centre of Excellence, strengthening of Central Cattle Breeding Farms and strengthening of Central Cattle Breeding Farms without any change in the pattern of assistance in any of these activities,” an official statement said.

With the implementation of the Rashtriya Gokul Mission and other efforts of the Government, milk production has increased by 63.55 per cent in the last ten years, along with the availability of milk per person, which was 307 grams per day in 2013-14, has increased to 471 grams per day in 2023-24. Productivity has also increased by 26.34 per cent in the last ten years.

The Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme (NAIP) under the RGM provides free of cost Artificial Insemination (AI) at the farmer’s doorstep in 605 districts across the country where the baseline AI coverage was below 50 per cent.

Till date, over 8.39 crores animals have been covered and 5.21crores farmers have been benefited. RGM has also been at the forefront in bringing the latest technological interventions in breeding to the farmer’s doorstep.

A total of 22 in vitro fertilization (IVF) labs have been set up across the country under the State Livestock Boards (SLBs) or in Universities and over 2541 HGM calves have been born. Two path breaking steps in Atmanirbhar technology are the Gau Chip and Mahish Chip, genomic chips for indigenous bovines developed by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and ICAR National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) and Gau Sort indigenously developed sex sorted semen production technology developed by NDDB.

The scheme is set to significantly boost milk production and productivity, ultimately increasing farmers’ incomes. It focuses on the protection and preservation of India’s indigenous bovine breeds through systematic and scientific efforts in bull production and the development of indigenous bovine genomic chips.

Additionally, Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has become an established technology, due to the initiatives taken under the scheme. This initiative will not only enhance productivity but also improve the livelihoods of 8.5 crores farmers engaged in Dairying.
