Ahead of Goa’s biggest Hindu festival, the Ganesh Chaturthi, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said on Friday that he has instructed the deputy collectors to meet the organisers of all the public Ganesh Chaturthi mandals and submit a report, which would help formulate an SOP for the festival.
The 10-day festival begins on September 10.
Speaking to reporters here, Sawant said that in view of the increasing Covid cases in the state, people should follow all the Covid norms and avoid overcrowding in public places during the festival.
“Ganesh Chaturthi is organised in a big way in Goa. I have already instructed the deputy collectors to get in touch with the ‘sarvajanik’ Ganesh Utsav organisers, carry out consultations and then submit a report. We have to decide the SOP (for the festival) by taking all the people into confidence,” the Chief Minister said.
“But the manner in which Covid cases are increasing in Goa, people should take precautions. There should be no overcrowding and all Covid norms should be followed. People should take the second dose of the vaccine, as it is the only solution,” Sawant said.
As many as 3,166 persons have died due to Covid-19 in the state so far, while Goa currently has 993 active cases.