Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, who is being treated for “mild pancreatitis” in a Mumbai hospital, is doing well and may be discharged soon, a statement by the Chief Minister’s Office said on Friday.
“It is a case of mild pancreatitis. The CM is well and under observation. Likely to be discharged in a day or two,” the statement said.
Parrikar was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital on Thursday, a day after he was admitted to the state-run Goa Medical College following complaints of stomach pain on Wednesday night.
On Thursday, a close aide of Goa CM, Siddharth Kuncalienkar said that the Chief Minister will attend to official matters from Monday onwards.
Recently, Parrikar was in news for his comments about alcohol consumption by women and hygiene among poor people.
Parrikar had said, “I have begun to fear now, because even the girls have started drinking beer… the tolerance limit is being crossed. Not all of them. I am not talking about this crowd (referring to the audience)”, while adding that use of drugs in educational institutions is not a new phenomenon.
Also read | Parrikar welcomes all tourists to Goa but has a condition
Parrikar has also commented about lack of hygiene especially by street vendors, he had also said “let us be clean, neat. Poor persons should also stay clean. I think it doesn’t cost. In fact, it costs less… Simple things can be done. All those things will happen”.