The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the murder of activist-journalist Gauri Lankesh has arrested one person in connection with the case. Rushikesh Devdikar alias Murali, 44, who was absconding was arrested on Thursday from his hideout at Katras in Dhanbad district of Jharkhand, the SIT said in a statement.
According to the probe team, the man was part of the conspiracy to kill Gauri Lankesh and is accused number 18 in the case. “His house is being searched for clues. He will be produced before the jurisdictional Judicial Magistrate… (on Friday),” the SIT said.
Gauri Lankesh, a senior journalist, was murdered in her home in Bengaluru on September 5, 2017.
Investigators said the gang had also prepared a list of people whom they wanted to kill. The list included noted playwright Girish Karnad and rationalist KS Bhagawan.
The SIT had named Sanatan Sansthan in its additional charge sheet filed before a city court. The SIT also said that the 18 accused in the case are active members of an organised crime syndicate. According to the SIT, the members of the syndicate strictly followed the guidelines and principles mentioned in the book “Kshatradharma Sadhana”.
Sanatan Sanstha has, however, dismissed the SIT’s allegations in connection with the murder case.