A former Nagar Palika President of Naugaon town in Chatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh sponsored a movie show of ‘The Kerala Story’ for nearly 200 schoolgirls.
According to information, the young girls were taken by buses from Naugaon to Chatarpur where they were shown the movie free of cost. The girls were from Saraswati School and Takshila School of Naugaon, said sources.
Former Nagar Palika President of Naugaon Abhilasha Shivhare was the main person behind the free screening event for girls. She said the purpose was to connect the young girls to their culture and traditions.
She said these days girls were easily getting misled and lured in different ways. She said that her aim was to make the young minds aware of such attempts so that they avoid making mistakes and remain rooted to their religious and cultural traditions.