Karnataka Police have lodged a complaint against a religious seer for allegedly giving life threat to a woman employee in Gangavathi town of Koppala district, police said on Thursday.
The complaint was filed against Kalmatha Peeth’s Kottur Swamiji. He also serves as the President of the Kottureshwara Vidyavardhaka Sangha.
A resident of Hirejantakal, Kamalakshi a.k.a Niramala Mallaiah Swamy, has filed a complaint against the seer with the Gangavathi City police station. In the high school division, the complainant worked as a cook. She has also filed a complaint against Basavalingamma, a colleague.
Basavalingamma allegedly accosted the woman while she was at work and threatened her, saying the accused swamiji had a pistol and would shoot her.
In response to the happenings, Kottureshwara swamiji revealed that the woman was fired from her work in March and has filed a complaint with him to settle the score.
There were a slew of allegations leveled against her. She did not improve despite warnings and counseling. He stated that the decision was made to remove her from the committee.
An investigation is on.
(with inputs from IANS)