The Delhi Police registered an FIR against NSUI President Varun Choudhary on a complaint from the National Testing Agency (NTA) in the wake of a protest led by him at the NTA office on June 27 alleging a scam in the NEET-UG exam 2024.
The complaint was registered on June 27 at the Okhla Industrial Area police station under Section 34 and other sections of the IPC.
The NTA, in its complaint, alleged that Choudhary, along with 40 other people, on Thursday stormed into its office and shouted “NTA ko band karo” slogans.
The NTA also alleged that they misbehaved with guards and tried to manhandle them. When the security personnel closed the door to prevent their entry into the office premises, they locked the office gate from outside and caused obstruction to the NTA officials in discharging their duties.
Reacting to the case registered against him, Choudhary said, “This action by the authorities is an attempt to suppress the voice of the students and their legitimate concerns about the integrity of our educational system”.
He added that the Delhi police should focus on nabbing those who leaked exams and not against those who are fighting for justice for students.
Choudhary vowed to continue to fight for the rights of students. “Our fight is for a fair and transparent educational system, and we will not be silenced by such intimidation tactics.”
NSUI members protested on Thursday in front of the NTA building over the demand for re-examination for NEET-UG students and to nab the culprits who leaked the exam.