Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Thursday emphasised that the issues concerning farmers need timely resolution, saying the nation cannot afford to put concerns of farmers on the back burner.
Delivering his address as Chief Guest at the Inaugural event of Amrut Mahotsav and Alumni Meet of College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences in Dharwad, he said, “Distress of farmers calls for urgent national attention. Farmers need economic security. We cannot afford in this nation, that is rising and the rise is unstoppable and the rise is as never before, to put concerns of farmers on back burner.”
Highlighting the larger impact of the farm sector on the nation’s economy, Mr Dhankhar stated that agro based industries, agriculture produce based industries, textile, food, edible oil and many more are prospering and earning profits.
”Our farmers should equally share the profits. These institutions must commit their CSR fund for welfare of the farmer, for research of the farm sector. They must think liberally in this direction because farm produce is their lifeline and that heartbeat is controlled by the farmer. We have to do 3 things: One, keep our farmers happy. Two, keep our farmers happy. And three, keep our farmers happy at any cost,” he said.
“We must also keep in mind, when the farmer is economically fine, the economy gets driven, because that’s the spending power of the farmer. When a farmer spends, the economy is automatically driven. And, therefore, we will have another positive impact. There will be no non-performing assets in the farm sector if the farm sector is vibrant, greased, lubricated, taken care of, attended. We must pay attention to the farmer as we pay attention to our patients in ICU”, the Vice-President added.
Underlining the need to relieve farmers of the primary stresses like inclement weather and unpredictable market conditions, he said, “Time has come to analyze and relieve the farm sector of primary stresses.The government is doing much, but the farmer is dependent on inclement weather, unpredictable market situations. If there is scarcity, he suffers. If there is plenty, he suffers. And therefore, we will have to devise methods to see that our farmers keep good economic and mental health.”
Advocating for direct transfer of all types of farm sector subsidies, Mr Dhankhar was of the view that any subsidy that is given to the farm sector in any form, must directly reach the farmer.
Drawing attention towards the need of the farmers to adopt technology, he said, “The farm sector needs transformation. Transformation is continual. Technology integration. Technology is changing fast. But the farmer still clings to the old tractor. Tractor is one area in which government subsidy is the highest. The farmer must adopt technology. And for that, Krishi Vigyan Kendras must be the nerve centre.”