Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday launches attack on the ruling BJP, this time citing an article by a foreign publication, alleging that the social media site Facebook and Whatsapp is controlled by the ruling party.
Congress leader posted the article saying that the American media has come out with the truth about Facebook.
In the article titled “Facebook Hate-Speech Rules Collide With Indian Politics — Company executive opposed the move to ban controversial politician”, the Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook looks the other way in cases of hate speech and objectionable content from leaders and workers of the ruling BJP.
The article quoted the current and former employees and said Facebook has a “broader pattern of favouritism” towards the BJP.
Taking it to Twitter, Rahul Gandhi said, “BJP & RSS control Facebook & Whatsapp in India. They spread fake news and hatred through it and use it to influence the electorate. Finally, the American media has come out with the truth about Facebook.”
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor also took the issue by saying, “The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information Technology would certainly wish to hear from @Facebook about these reports & what they propose to do about hate-speech in India.”
Union Minister and BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad reacted on the post by saying,” Losers who cannot influence people even in their own party keep cribbing that the entire world is controlled by BJP & RSS. You were caught red-handed in alliance with Cambridge Analytica & Facebook to weaponise data before the elections & now have the gall to question us?”