Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat on Tuesday said that many changes will come in Rajasthan with the bursting of firecrackers on Diwali, adding that “with those firecrackers, the evil era will end in the state”.
Speaking at a programme on the occasion of Vijay Dashami in Jodhpur, the Union Minister said: “With the blessings of everyone, Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government has been in power in the country. We have been waiting for the construction of Ram temple for many years. The power of that one vote that we cast paved the way for the construction of Ram temple. We are fortunate that after January 25, we will be able to see Ramlala and the flag fluttering on the peak of the temple.”
Targetting those who have been criticising Sanatan Dharma, he said: “Our ancestors struggled for many years, many centuries, thousands of years to preserve the eternal culture. Today, Sanatan Dharma is being challenged by many forces from within and outside the country. Today is the day of resolution. We all need to resolve that whoever speaks against Sanatan, we will oppose and reject them.”
Many BJP leaders, including party’s Jodhpur district unit president Devendra Salecha, former district unit president Devendra Joshi and a large number of people were also present at the programme.