Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai said the entry of diesel buses into the national capital was stopped from Wednesday in consonance with directions by the Commission for Air Quality Management.
Chairing a review meeting at Delhi Secretariat on the rising pollution level and implementation of the Graded Response Action Plan-II, he said a decision was taken to stop construction work within one-kilometer radius in hot spots where the AQI level continuously remains close to 400.
“The entry of diesel buses into Delhi has been stopped from today as per the directions by CAQM (Commission for Air Quality Management). Eighteen teams have been formed for this…It is my request to the state governments to ply only CNG, electric or BS-VI buses from their depots so that passengers do not face any trouble,” he said.
On Sunday, the environment minister conducted a surprise inspection of the Kashmere Gate Inter-State Bus Terminal (ISBT) for diesel buses coming from NCR states, as part of the government’s efforts to tackle vehicular pollution in the national capital.
He mentioned that the drivers of diesel buses coming from NCR states were also made aware that only electric, CNG and BS-VI buses can come to Delhi from November 1.
Citing that pollution generated from NCR states has an impact on Delhi, Rai said, “Therefore, only electric, CNG and BS-VI buses should be allowed within NCR. A complete ban on BS-III and BS-IV buses should be implemented there.”