The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Sunday uploaded the data received in digitised form from the registry of the Supreme Court on electoral bonds on its website.
“The same can be accessed at this url:,” the poll panel said in a statement.
“In compliance with the Supreme Court’s directions, contained in its order dated Feb 15 and March 11, 2024 (in the matter of WP NO.880 of 2017), the ECI has already uploaded data on Electoral Bonds as provided by State Bank of India (SBI) vide press note of the Commission dated 14.3.2024,” it said.
Political parties had filed the data on Electoral Bonds in a sealed cover as directed by the Supreme Court’s interim order dated April 12, 2019, in the said WP NO.880 of 2017, it said.
“Data so received from political parties was deposited in the Supreme Court without opening sealed covers. In pursuance of the Supreme Court’s order dated March 15, 2024, the Registry of the Supreme Court has returned physical copies along with a digitized record of the same in a pen drive in sealed cover,” the statement said.
Earlier on Thursday, the ECI uploaded the data on electoral bonds on its website as received from SBI on “as is where is basis” in compliance with the Supreme Court’s directions.