The Election Commission on Tuesday slapped a show cause notice on Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Asansol MP and Union Minster Babul Supriyo for failing to seek its permission before releasing the video of campaign song for Bengal on the social media.
“The song was noticed during our media watch. We have served him a show cause notice as he did not seek permission from the Media Certification and Monitoring Committee (MCMC),” said Sanjay Basu, Additional Chief Electoral Officer, West Bengal.
He called it a violation of the model code of conduct and sought a reply from Supriyo within 48 hours.
Before sharing any campaign material in print, electronic or social media, candidates and parties must obtain a certificate from MCMC, Basu said.
“The All India Trinamool Congress has also lodged a complaint regarding its content. It is being investigated,” he said.
“The song cannot be played till the time he files reply and gets clearance. We expect everyone to maintain the process,” he said.