The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Friday issued a notice to the Chief Secretary (CS) of Maharashtra for alleged non compliance of its order directing to carry out the transfer/posting of all the officers/officials, ahead of the upcoming Assembly polls in the state. It has asked the state CS and Director General of Police (DGP) to explain the circumstances as to why the compliance reports have not been furnished.
The notice came hours after a delegation of the ECI headed by Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar, who is on an official visit to the poll-bound Maharashtra, reviewed poll preparations with the CS, DGP and other administrative secretaries of the state for forthcoming Assembly elections.
In its notice issued to the CS, Senior Principal Secretary of the ECI, Narendra N Butolia wrote, “I am directed to refer to the Commission’s letter dated 31st July, on the subject cited, whereby it was directed to carry out the transfer/posting of all the officers/officials covered under the conditions laid down in the said letter.”
He said it was also directed that a compliance report by the CS and DGP with details of action obtained from the concerned departments/offices of the state government be furnished to the Commission by 20th August.“Despite the directions, no report was received from the CS and DGP till the due date. Reminders were issued vide the Commission’s letter on 22th August, 11th September, and 25th September, directing thereby to furnish the reports urgently,” said Butolia.
The senior official further wrote, “The Chief Electoral Officer of Maharashtra vide his letter dated 25th September has forwarded a letter dated 13th September of Additional DGP regarding partial compliance of the Commission’s instructions. No report has been received in the Commission from the CS till date.”
“The Commission has directed that the directions contained in the letter dated 31st July shall be complied immediately and reports sent to the Commission. Further, the Commission has directed the CS and DGP to explain the circumstances as to why the compliance reports have not been furnished even after the lapse of stipulated time limit despite the reminders in the matter,” added Butolia.
Assembly polls in Maharashtra are scheduled to be held later this year.