A Dutch vlogger faced bullying while filming a video for his YouTube channel at a bustling market in Bengaluru, the capital city of Karnataka, India. Thankfully, he managed to escape unharmed, but the incident was captured on camera and has since gone viral.
Following the incident, one person has been arrested in connection with the harassment.
The YouTuber, known as Pedro Mota, was shooting his video in Chickpet Bazar, which is also known as Chor Bazaar.
In the viral video, a man, likely a shopkeeper, can be seen harassing the vlogger as he filmed amidst the busy market in Bengaluru. The Dutch YouTuber politely greeted the man with “Namaste, sir,” but the man responded aggressively by grabbing his hand and shouting, “Ye kya hai (What is this).”
Pedro Mota, who is currently touring Karnataka for two months, can be heard asking the man to release his hand. Despite the unsettling encounter, the YouTuber manages to escape.
Mota shared his experience, stating, “As a foreigner traveling in India, I had an unfortunate encounter at the thieves market in Bangalore, also known as the Sunday market or chor bazaar. My exploration of the area started off on the wrong foot when an angry man attacked me by forcefully grabbing and twisting my hand and arm. He chased after me as I tried to get away.”
The incident took place a few days ago but gained attention on Monday when the video circulated widely online. Social media users swiftly called on the Bengaluru City Police to take appropriate action against the shopkeeper. Consequently, the police responded by arresting the individual, identified as Navab Hayath Sharif.
DCP West Lakshman Nimbargi confirmed the arrest and stated that Sharif has been charged under section 92 of the Karnataka Police Act. This section deals with offenses committed on the streets and public nuisances, prescribing a fine of up to Rs 100 (Indian rupees) and a maximum imprisonment of eight days in case of default.
This incident brings to mind a previous case in which a South Korean woman faced harassment while vlogging on the streets of Mumbai and two men were arrested.