The Delhi Police have arrested a Delhi University student for allegedly posting a girl’s pictures, creating her fake profile and putting her mobile number on social media platforms. The girl was subsequently inuncated by obscene calls from anonymous numbers and was suffering from mental trauma.
The complainant approached the district Cyber Cell of South Delhi and an FIR was lodged.
As part of the investigation, emails were sent to Facebook and Instagram and after a thorough analysis of the suspect numbers, a suspect, identified as Umesh Kumar, has been apprehended. Police said the accused, a resident of Sangam Vihar, is pursuing his BA second year from Delhi University. Kumar confessed to his crime.
Kumar disclosed that he was friends with the victim’s elder sister. “Sometime in March this year, his friendship ended,for which he blamed the victim. Thereafter, he decided to harass his friend’s younger sister by using her pictures to create a fake profile and posting obscene posts and comments with them,” said DCP South Atul Thakur.