

DSSSB admit cards 2019 for various posts released at dsssb.delhi.gov.in | Here’s how to download admit cards

DSSSB admit cards 2019: The candidates, who will sit for the examination, can download the admit cards from the official website-dsssb.delhi.gov.in

DSSSB admit cards 2019 for various posts released at dsssb.delhi.gov.in | Here’s how to download admit cards


DSSSB admit cards 2019: Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board has released the Computer Based Test admit cards for the posts of Librarian, Craft Instructor, Labour Welfare Officer, Technical Assistant and other posts. The candidates, who will sit for the examination, can download the admit cards from the official website-dsssb.delhi.gov.in

The exams are scheduled to be conducted on September 1, 2019.


How to download DSSSB admit cards 2019:


The candidates can download the admit cards by following the steps given below:

• Visit the official website-dsssb.delhi.gov.in

• On the homepage, click on the page that says, “DSSSB admit cards 2019”

• On the page that opens, enter the details asked like application number and date of birth and click on submit.

• The admit cards will be displayed on the screen.

• Check the details and download the admit cards for future reference.

Direct Link: The candidates can download the admit cards by clicking on the direct link here.

The admit cards have been released for Librarian, Craft Instructor, Labour Welfare Officer, Technical Assistant, Craft Inspector Surveyor and Craft Inspector Mechanical posts.

For more information, the candidates should check the official website.
