A milk trader in West Bengal has been arrested for selling cow dung and urine claiming it as a cure for the deadly coronavirus. The man named Mabud Ali was selling the products in a makeshift roadside shop in Hooghly district’s Dankuni, situated about 20 km away from Kolkata.
He was arrested by the Hooghly district police for “cheating and hurting religious sentiments”.
Ali had started the business from Monday in a makeshift shop by the National Highway 19 — that links Delhi and Kolkata. On a table, he had placed packs of cow dungs and jars of cow urine. He was selling urine at Rs 500 per litre and cow dung at Rs 500 a kilo.
He said he took inspiration from the Hindu Mahasabha event on gomutra in Delhi.
A poster was posted to the table saying, “Drink cow urine and ward off coronavirus.”
“I have two cows — one Indian cow and the other a jersey cow. I earn my living selling milk. So, after I saw the gomutra party on television, I realised I can make more profit by selling cow urine and dung. Now, I can utilise every part of cows in my business,” Ali said.
However, the cow dung and urine of jersey cow were available at cheaper rates at Ali’s stall. A litre of urine and a kilo of dung were available for Rs 300.
“A Jersey cow is not a pure breed like Indian cow. So, its urine also is not that much in demand,” he claimed.