Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh on Thursday held here the first-ever high level inter-institutional meeting of all Vice Chancellors, Directors and heads of different universities and scientific as well as academic institutions, under one roof, to pave the way for joint research, startups and teaching through a collaborative action plan, based on greater integration instead of working in silos.
The Minister said that Jammu being the hub of education in India with the prestigious institutions in an area of only a few kilometres from each other, like IIT, IIM, IIMC, AIIMS, CSIR-IIIM, GMC, SKUAST, CU, JU etc.has been chosen for this maiden inter-institutional connect to try to develop a model of extended integration which could then be replicated in other places as well.of the institutions.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that as these prestigious institutions are only situated in an area of a few kilometres, their inter-institutional connection can set an example for other institutions throughout the country and the sharing and exchange of resources, joint programs between these institutions will create new opportunities and new avenues.
Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Dr Jitendra Singh said, India is leading the world’s StartUp ecosystem. This inter-institutional connection and integration in Jammu region can help StartUp aspirants in Jammu & Kashmir to lead from the front. As CSIR-IIIM is taking a lead towards creating a start-up culture (Agri-tech start-ups)under the Aroma Mission in Jammu & Kashmir, this integration will help other institutions to create Start-ups according to their resources, he added.
Dr. Jitendra Singh maintained, working in silos is no longer an option in India especially under the present government which stresses on greater integration, extensive brainstorming for greater results. This inter-institutional connection today will present a roadmap for the other institutions in the country towards sharing of resources, greater interconnectedness, etc.
The collaborative models may be suggested by institutions in any field so that the other institutions may also step in creating an atmosphere of ambient integration, said Dr. Jitendra Singh. For example, IIM could also create a model regarding personnel management in hospitals for intern doctors, Dr. Jitendra Singh suggested.
Besides Principal Scientific Advisor, Government of India, Ajay Kumar Sood and Director General CSIR & Secretary DSIR, Dr N Kalaiselvi, the meeting was attended by Director CSIR-IIIM Jammu, Dr Zabeer Ahmad, Director AIIMS Jammu, Dr Shakti Gupta, Vice Chancellor Jammu University, Prof Umesh Rai, Vice Chancellor Cluster University Jammu, Prof Bechan Lal, Vice Chancellor SKUAST Jammu, Prof Nazir Ahmad Ganie, Vice Chancellor BGBSU, Prof Akbar Masood, Vice Chancellor SMVDU, Prof RK Sinha, Vice Chancellor CUJ, Prof. Sanjeev Jain, Director IIM Jammu, Prof BS Sahai, Director IIT Jammu, Dr Manoj Kumar Gaur and Principal GMC Jammu, Shashi Sudan.