The Delhi Metro Rail Academy (DMRA) has been accredited under the prestigious Capacity Building Commission’s (CBC) National Standards, as assessed by the National Accreditation Board of Education & Training (NABET).
On July 25, in a formal function, Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh awarded the accreditation certificate, a DMRC spokesperson said on Wednesday.
This is an important feather in the cap for DMRA since this prestigious recognition stands as a testament to DMRA’s unwavering commitment to excellence and the outstanding quality of training it offers.
The accreditation bestowed upon DMRA by the CBC marks a significant milestone in standardising training processes and delivering unparalleled education in the field of rail-based urban transportation systems.
The accreditation process, comprising a comprehensive review, evaluated DMRA’s performance across eight pillars: Training Needs Assessment and Course Design, Faculty Development, Resource and Training Targets, Trainee Support, Digitalisation and Training Delivery, Collaboration, Training Evaluation and Quality Assurance, and Operations and Governance-related Standards.
Known for its rigorous evaluation and assessment, the CBC’s accreditation process ensures that only the most deserving institutions receive this prestigious recognition.
DMRA underwent a comprehensive review, which focused on key areas such as curriculum and training programs, faculty qualifications and expertise, infrastructure, collaborations with national institutions, digitisation in training methods, and overall training practices.
The accreditation validates DMRA’s exceptional training methodologies, cutting-edge resources, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and unwavering dedication to fostering an environment of domain expertise.
Amongst a select few accredited national institutes, DMRA proudly stands as the only Metro Railway-based training academy accredited by CBC. This recognition further solidifies DMRA’s position as a trailblazer and pioneer in the field of metro railway-based training.
As an accredited institution, DMRA is positioned to continue its mission of providing world-class training to aspiring professionals in the field of rail-based urban transportation systems. The academy remains committed to staying at the forefront of industry advancements, enhancing its curriculum, and fostering collaborations to further enrich the learning experience for its trainees.