Delhi police are delving into the discovery of a significant sum of money in the bank accounts of Gurpreet Singh, the man accused of the tragic killing of a Swiss woman in Delhi. The initial revelation came when around Rs 2 crore was uncovered during raids conducted at Gurpreet Singh’s residence. Following this, authorities launched an investigation into his bank accounts, unearthing a considerably larger sum of money.
To shed light on the origins of this substantial amount, Delhi police have sought the assistance of Income Tax officials. The endeavor is to ascertain the source of these funds, which have raised questions regarding their legitimacy.
The accused in this distressing case is 33-year-old Gurpreet Singh, a resident of Janakpuri. His connection with the victim, Nina Berger, traces back to a dating app encounter in 2021. The circumstances surrounding their relationship have been a focal point in the investigation. While Singh was traveling to Zurich, Switzerland, to visit his relatives, he crossed paths with Berger through the dating app.
The initial stages of their relationship appeared promising. However, it was soon marred by Singh’s relentless pressure on Berger to marry him. Reportedly, he proposed marriage to her on multiple occasions, all of which were met with rejection. Despite these differences, their dating relationship continued.
The turning point in this tragic saga occurred when Nina Berger arrived in India on October 11 to meet Gurpreet Singh. She was staying at a hotel in the national capital when Singh urged her to meet him outside. Tragically, it was during this rendezvous that Singh allegedly strangled her to death in a hatchback car. It was later revealed that Singh had acquired the car using documents belonging to another woman.
The discovery of Nina Berger’s lifeless body near an MCD-run school in West Delhi sent shockwaves through the community. Singh’s involvement came to light through CCTV footage showing a “turban-clad” man near the scene with a white car on the same day as the incident, October 18, as confirmed by DCP (West) Vichitra Veer.
Additionally, authorities are considering the possibility of adding human trafficking charges to the case against Gurpreet Singh. The police found a collection of photos and videos featuring the accused with various women and girls, sparking suspicions of his involvement in human trafficking activities within and around Delhi-NCR.