Expressing concern over more than 20,000 pending cases at the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Delhi Lieutenant Governor (L-G) Vinai Kumar Saxena directed officials to take all necessary steps in terms of manpower and technological up-gradation to appropriately dispose of the same in a time-bound manner.
While reviewing the progress in works undertaken by the FSL on Wednesday, Saxena took exception to various technical posts lying vacant in the laboratory. He issued strict instructions to fill the vacancies at the earliest.
The L-G said the retired technical personnel from similar agencies and organisations should be re-employed immediately as an interim measure to ensure that the pending cases are disposed of and reported forthwith. He urged the FSL to look at itself from a different perspective that of not just being another government department, but as an agency upon which not only the delivery of justice but also thousands of lives depend.
Insisting that they will have to undertake the work of disposing of cases on a war footing, the L-G told the officials to rise to the occasion and ensure that people whose future depends on the evidence provided by them are not short-changed. Hence, all SOPs and processes are meticulously followed and ordered for putting in place technology-enabled automated systems that minimized human interface.
Vowing to personally monitor the progress of disposal of pending cases, the Delhi L-G asked for a comprehensive list of cases that were pending with the date of submission and the expected date of disposal mentioned against each case.
Upon being informed that much delay owed it to the late receipt of final reports from the police, he assured them that he would take up the matter and get it sorted out at the earliest in his meeting with the Chief Secretary and the Commissioner of Police.
Exhorting the FSL to attain excellence and emerge as a reputable resource hub in the field of forensic sciences, Saxena called for developing training modules for police personnel at various levels and serves as a centre for providing quality internships to students of forensic sciences from different universities and institutions across the country.
Stressing the linkages that would strengthen the institution, he advised the authorities to tie up with institutions of repute like IIT-Delhi and the National Forensic Science University, Ahmedabad amongst others. This, he said would not only help the FSL, Delhi emerge as a repository of quality would but also help it gain the latest technical expertise required in dealing with cases involving Cyber Forensics.
He also instructed that the possibility of collaboration and tie-ups with similar institutions in the SAARC and ASEAN countries also be explored. Saxena also advised the FSL to undertake activities like offering its expertise to the people and industry with an aim of generating internal resources and achieving self-sustainability.
Those present in the meeting included the Chief Secretary, the Home Secretary, Delhi, and Director FSL apart among others.