Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain, on Tuesday, inaugurated a National Resource Centre for Oral Health and Tobacco Cessation (NRC-OH-TC) in the National Capital. Furthermore, he also launched the official logo (insignia) of NRC-OH-TC.
Jain said most people are still not aware of their oral health and dental hygiene. This is the reason why the cases of oral cancer are increasing rapidly even among the youth.
National Resource Center for Oral Health and Tobacco Cessation has been established with the objective of spreading awareness about the ill effects of tobacco and drugs, providing better training to the dentists of the country, and conducting research on dental health.
It is the first National Resource Center among a total of 315 Dental Colleges in the country.
Appreciating the services provided by Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, Jain said for the last 10 years, 10,000 patients have been treated in MAIDS for tobacco prevention and cessation. Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences has always played a leading role in delivering quality Dental Care, Research, and Dental Education to serve the needy. Due to this today, it has got the status of the country’s first National Resource Center.