The Delhi High Court on Friday refused to get involved in the Twitter suspension case and imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on a woman who sought to implead Elon Musk. The woman had filed a plea over the suspension of her Twitter account on the new Twitter chief.
“This application is thoroughly misconceived. The authority is represented and therefore, there was no need to move this application,” Justice Yashwant Varma remarked while dismissing the plea moved by petitioner Dimple Kaul with cost.
Representing Twitter, senior advocate Sajan Poovayya opposed impleading of Musk, who has recently taken over the micro-blogging platform.
Advocate Raghav Avasthi, who appeared for the petitioner. argued that Musk, the sole Director of Twitter is also holding its shares.
The plea stated that Twitter shares are not traded even after his take over of Twitter and Musk is very different on “free speech”.
“…on 27.10.2022, Twitter Inc. has been moved into the private hands of Mr. Elon Musk. As of now, shares of the same are also not being traded on the New York Stock Exchange,” read the plea.
The woman was approaching the court claiming her account was suspended without any notice and affects her freedom of speech.
(With Inputs From IANS)