Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Tuesday wrote to Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal seeking rollback of new rule under which every Coronavirus positive patient has to visit a quarantine centre for clinical assessment, citing “inconvenience to people”.
Addressing a press conference, Sisodia said that after L-G Anil Baijal mandated COVID-19 positive patients to visit the quarantine centres for clinical assessment, a lot of pressure is being built on the public.
“In that context, I have written to him requesting to withdraw it,” Sisodia said.
He added that pressure has been build on the ambulance system as well. “The former system was better, wherein a government team used to visit patients’ residence for clinical assessment,” the deputy CM said.
“Delhi is witnessing at least 3,000 cases every day, so if these infected people step out, it will further increase the risk of the infection,” he added.
This comes after the Delhi L-G scrapped an order mandating five-days institutional quarantine for COVID-19 patients but said that every person who tests positive be taken to COVID care centres for assessment of their clinical conditions.