Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee president Devender Yadav on Sunday expressed his concern over the ongoing blame game between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government and Lieutenant Governor (LG) Vinai Kumar Saxena following the tragic death of a woman and her child, who fell into a drain in East Delhi during the recent monsoon flooding.
Yadav claimed that the incident has brought attention to the city’s infrastructure issues, with the loss of nearly 19 lives in the past month due to drowning, electrocution, or building collapses caused by inadequate construction approvals.
Yadav condemned the AAP Ministers, Atishi and Saurabh Bharadwaj for attributing responsibility of the deaths to the LG, while the LG pointed fingers at the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), which is governed by AAP. He called for financial compensation for the victims’ families, stressing that the tragedy was a result of neglect and irresponsibility on the part of both the AAP government and the MCD.
According to him, the mother and child died because the MCD had failed to clean or cover a 100-meter section of the drain in Khoda, East Delhi. He criticized the AAP’s attempt to shift the blame onto the LG, arguing that the focus should be on addressing the root causes of such incidents rather than engaging in political disputes.
Yadav urged the AAP government and the LG to stop disseminating misleading information and take collective responsibility for the city’s safety issues.
He emphasized that the people of Delhi are tired of the ongoing political bickering between AAP and BJP and look up to the congress as an alternative.