Amid the ongoing controversy surrounding the Delhi Chief Minister’s first order issued from the custody of the ED on Sunday, another directive has been issued to the health department by CM Arvind Kejriwal.
AAP sources confirmed that the directive pertained to the health department and it was conveyed by the Chief Minister through a memorandum to Delhi Minister, Saurabh Bharadwaj, who oversees the health portfolio. More details are awaited regarding this fresh order.
Earlier on Sunday, CM Kejriwal had issued the first order while in the ED’s custody, directing Water Minister Atishi to resolve water and sewage issues in the national Capital.
CM Kejriwal, who was arrested on March 21 and subsequently remanded to ED custody until March 28 by a Delhi court, faces allegations of direct involvement in a conspiracy related to the formulation of an excise policy favouring specific individuals.
CM Kejriwal is also accused of soliciting kickbacks from liquor businessmen in exchange of favours, as claimed by the probe agency.