CSIR UGC NET results 2019 declared at csirhrdg.res.in | Here’s how to check results
CSIR UGC NET results 2019: All the candidates who have appeared for the examination, can check their results from the official website- csirhrdg.res.in.
CSIR UGC NET 2018: The answer keys were released on the official website-csirhrdg.res.in
(Photo: Getty Images)
CSIR UGC NET 2018: The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research has released the answer key for CSIR UGC NET 2018 December session. The answer keys were released on the official website-csirhrdg.res.in The CSIR UGC NET examination was conducted on December 16, 2019.
The answer keys shall be available on website till January 23, 2019.
Steps to download CSIR UGC NET answer keys:
• Visit the official website-csirhrdg.res.in
• On the homepage, click on the link that says “CSIR UGC NET Question papers and answer keys”
• On the next page, the link of question papers and answer keys will be given.
• Click on the answer key you want to check.
• Download for future reference.
Direct Link: The candidates should click on the direct link here to check the answer keys.
How to raise objections against answer keys:
• The last date for sending representation/grievance is January 23, 2019 till 5 pm.
• The e-mail address for sending representation/grievance against question/answer key is netexam.obs@csirhrdg.res.in
• Candidate must send only one email for one question. Separate email should be sent for different question.
• Candidate should avoid sending multiple emails on same question.
Important information: