PM Modi chairs CSIR meeting, stresses on need to work on 5G, AI
He further spoke about the need to attract young students toward science to strengthen the scientific acumen in the coming generation.
CSIR NET answer keys 2019: The candidates who have appeared for the examination, can download the admit cards from the official website-
CSIR NET answer keys 2019: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has released the CSIR NET answer keys 2019. The candidates who have appeared for the examination, can download the admit cards from the official website-
The candidates can check the answer keys from July 5 to July 10, 2019. The candidates should submit their representation against the question/answer key by July 10, 2019.
How to download CSIR NET answer keys 2019:
The candidates can download the answer keys by following the steps given below:
• Visit the official
• On the homepage, click on the link that says, “CSIR-UGC NET exam”
• From the dropdown option, click on the link that says, “Question answer keys 2019”
• On the page that opens, click on the link you want to check.
• A PDF containing the answer keys will open.
• Download the answer keys and save for future reference.
How to raise objections:
• The candidates can raise objections against the answer keys till July 10, 2019.
• The candidates are advised to read instructions for sending representation available on the website
For more information, the candidates should check the official website.