Concerned over the rising number of Covid-19 cases Telangana High Court has directed the state government to restrict gatherings to just 100 people and follow ICMR guidelines strictly while governor Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan has sought a report from the state health department in residential schools and wastage of vaccine in the state.
The state has seen a huge spurt in cases particularly with many students and teachers of government run residential schools testing positive for the virus prompting calls from guardians to shut down schools.
The state was also asked to identify areas with high incidence of cases as containment ones. The bench headed by chief justice Hima Kohli directed the state government to perform 50,000 RT-PCR tests everyday. Petitioners cited past daily medical bulletins to prove that the government didn’t perform 50,000 tests despite the increase in Covid- 19 cases contrary to High Court’s order.
However the advocate general said health staff were involved in vaccination programme and mobile buses were being used at state borders, railway stations and bus stations to conduct tests.
According to a release from the Raj Bhavan the governor directed her officials to get report from the health department about the vaccine wastage after the state was called out for being leading the numbers among all states in this regard. She also asked for report bout the increase in the number of cases in schools and hostels and the measures taken to contain the spread. “I m concerned bout the high number of Covid- 19 positive cases in couple of residential schools. “I m worried bout the high rate of vaccine wastage in our Telangana state.