Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, on Tuesday, said COVID-19 cases are rising again in the National Capital, but there is no need to panic as all the new cases were mild in nature.
Talking to media persons here, Kejriwal said the city government is closely monitoring the situation.
“We will take actions as per the need of the situation. All the cases are mild in nature. People are having normal fever-like symptoms and there is no need to panic,” the Delhi Chief Minister said.
On August 7, a total of 1,372 fresh COVID-19 cases were recorded in the national capital and Delhi registered six deaths due to the coronavirus infection while the infection positivity rate stood at 17.85 per cent.
Meanwhile, India reported 12,751 new Covid cases in the last 24 hours, which is a decline from the previous day’s count of 16,167, said the Union Health Ministry on Tuesday. In the same period, the country reported 42 more Covid deaths taking the nationwide death toll to 5,26,772.
The active caseload has marginally declined to 1,31,807 cases, accounting for 0.31 per cent of the country’s total positive cases. The recovery of 16,412 patients in the last 24 hours took the cumulative tally to 4,35,16,071. Consequently, India’s recovery rate stands at 98.51 per cent.
Meanwhile, India’s daily positivity rate has declined to 3.50 per cent, while the weekly positivity rate currently stands at 4.69 per cent.