Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Friday over 80 per cent of Coronavirus patients have no or very mild symptoms and such patients can recover in the comfort of their home, as the government has issued detailed guidelines.
In a series of tweets, Kejriwal said if any patient required hospitalisation, the government is ready.
“Over 80 per cent of Coronavirus patients have either no symptoms or very mild symptoms. Such patients can recover in the comfort of their home,” he said.
The Delhi government has come out with detailed guidelines on home isolation in newspapers. Kejriwal said: “Please keep the copies (of the government guidelines) safely and share with others.” He also tweeted the guidelines.
He asked people to watch news channels at 6.40 p.m. to see how they can take care of the patients at home isolation.
“Do not panic if you get corona(virus). Most of you can be treated in home isolation only. But if you need to be admitted to the hospital, then we are also fully prepared. I pray to God for your good health and well-being,” he said.
Till Thursday, there were 16,281 positive cases in the national capital with 8,470 active cases. Out of these, 4,227 are kept in home isolation, as per the Delhi Health Department.