Kerala government issued prohibitory orders in Kottayam district on Monday, a day after over a thousand migrant labourers hailing from various states in Kerala, hit the streets in Kottayam district and asked for transport facilities so that they can go back to their native places during the 21-day lockdown.
District Collector P K Sudheer Babu issued the prohibitory orders as a measure “to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the district”, officials said.
The orders were issued following reports submitted by the district police chief and sub-divisional magistrate, stating that there were instances of public gathering in the district even after the government announced measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus, officials said.
Since Sunday morning, around 11 am, hundreds of migrant labourers started gathering at in Payippad village, near Changanassery and raised slogans demanded for arrangements of return to their native villages while the police showed restraint. The district collector and superintendent of police held talks with the migrant workers and managed to send them back to their camps.
On Sunday, Kottayam District Collector Sudhir Babu told the reporters, “Their primary demand was that they wanted to return to their homes after they saw buses were being arranged in other states. But that’s not possible. Whatever else they require, we shall provide. We have identified places where they can stay.”
This public upsurge has come at a time when Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has asked authorities to treat migrant labourers, whom he addresses as ‘guests’, with respect.
The district collector and superintendent of police held talks with the migrant workers and managed to send them back to their camps.
Heartbreaking reports of desperate migrants workers facing the brunt of Coronavirus pandemic are coming in with each passing day, as in the nationwide lockdown they are left stranded without work, food or money and no means to reach their native villages, they are walking on foot to cover hundreds of kilometres after Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday, announced a “total lockdown” for 21 days to of arrest the spread of Coronavirus pandemic.