A woman attending Uttar Pradesh (UP) Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s rally in Ballia district, was asked by female police officers to take remove her burqa.
In a video which appeared on social media on Tuesday, a female police officer can be seen asking a woman to remove her black coloured burqa, the outer robe worn by women in some Islamic traditions, which she agreed to take-off.
The female police officer asked her to fold the garment and keep it. Later, a male police officer arrived and walked away with her burqa.
“The city magistrate has been asked to conduct an inquiry into it and action will be taken against those found guilty,” District Magistrate Surendra Vikram said.
The woman, who identified herself as Saira, said she was a BJP worker and had come to the rally from her village wearing her “traditional dress”, said media reports.
Balia Superintendent of Police Anil Kumar said the video footage has been received and a departmental inquiry ordered in this connection.
“The Deputy SP (City) has been asked to conduct an inquiry in this connection,” the SP said.
“We had instructions that there should be no black flags shown at the rally. I will get this looked into,” he said.
On 19 November, black flags were shown to the Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at a rally in Meerut ahead of the local bodies’ election by protesters. They were demanding CBI probe into the Noida encounter case in which one Sumit Gujjar with Rs 50,000 reward was gunned down by police.
BJP activist allegedly assaulted the protesters for showing the black flags. However no one was arrested.