Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini said on Tuesday that the construction of state Vidhan Sabha complex in Chandigarh is a serious issue and all political parties should rise above politics and present their views unanimously.
The chief minister said this while speaking on the subject of constructing a new Vidhan Sabha complex in Chandigarh during the ongoing session of the Vidhan Sabha here today.
Meanwhile, extending support to the government on this issue, the Opposition said, ‘We stand with the government. The Chief Minister should lead, and all parties will come together to present a united front.”
Chief Minister Saini said Punjab leaders have previously politicised issues like the Satluj Yamuna Link (SYL) canal, depriving Haryana farmers of their legitimate share of water. The Supreme Court has also ruled that Haryana farmers are entitled to this water.
Such actions, where even the directives of the Supreme Court are bypassed, should not happen in this country. It is unfortunate that now the Punjab leaders are raising questions about the construction of the State Vidhan Sabha complex in Chandigarh, said Saini.
The Chief Minister also emphasized that the entire state of Haryana stands united on this issue. He assured that whatever all the members of the Vidhan Sabha say unanimously, the government will take that matter forward.